Join a first time trip then come back and stay supported. All our trips, for 8-17 and 18-24 year-olds, are free to anyone who has been treated for cancer.
It's the phrase we hear more than any other. Everyone on our trips is "in the same boat", quite literally!
But for young people who have had cancer, spending time with others who've been through similar to them and just 'get it' can be a major step in starting to move on after treatment. For many, it is the first time they have had that chance.
The friends they make, the laughs they have, the acceptance they find, boundaries they push, independence they gain and skills they learn help each young person rediscover what they are capable of and stop feeling like 'the only one'.
They feel optimism for the future and start to re-establish their purpose and place in the world. They believe in a brighter future.
We see a huge transformation in so many young people the first time they come sailing with the Trust.
They can then stay part of our community and keep coming back. Many young people go on to volunteer, some even gain qualifications to work on Trust trips.
That continuity is important and can make the real difference in a young person believing in a brighter future.
People say 'You've got cancer, let's get you physically better,' but they neglect the mental health side. The Trust is almost solely focused on rehabilitating the mental health side and connecting people."
Our ambition is to be even more accessible and inclusive to all young people who have a cancer diagnosis in the UK.
We work with every young person’s principal treatment centre and a growing number of designated units across the UK.
Young people have traditionally learnt about the Trust through our contacts and partners in each of these hospitals or units, usually a nurse, Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker or Teenage Cancer Trust Youth Support Co-ordinator.
Young people (or their parents/guardians) can sign up for a trip directly, typically through our website, too. This often includes young people who were never in or are no longer part of the system and/or who are experiencing late effects.
Young people also hear about us through other charities or support groups they are involved with or friends who have been on our trips.
If you know someone who is struggling or could do with a bit of support, however long off treatment they are, we would love to hear from them.
I’m the kind of person who might keep themselves bottled up, but now, I’m opening my bottle, slowly.
Sailing was like therapy for Omar, who found a safe space to open up and connect with others like never before. He explains how spending four days on a boat with people that have similar experiences allowed them to really bond.
Find out more about Omar's Story
Find out more about the trips Support the Trust