12 June 2004

Sussex Yacht Club Royal Escape Presentation Dinner

12th June 04

On Friday 10th June the Royal Escape Race Black Tie Presentation Dinner was held at Sussex Yacht Club and the winners of the race were awarded their trophies and prizes. The club’s two chosen charities were represented; Sussex Sailability and The Ellen MacArthur Trust and both were presented with large cheques demonstrating the clubs hard work and dedication to fundraising over the past few months. A previous commodore raised £1200 alone by shaving off his long-standing beard of 30 years!

The Ellen MacArthur Trust received a fantastic £4,880. The evening was a huge success and the club was exceedingly welcoming and friendly. Thanks must be made to Rob Grierson, the Commodore and Jill Stevenson, Chairman of the Race Committee for all their hard work and commitment both on the evening and over the past six months. The money they have raised can fund an entire four day trip over the summer for 5 children to experience sailing around the Isle of Wight.

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