In the autumn, we will be letting you know all the ways you can support the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust this Christmas. But if you want to organise an event or do something for us now's the time to start thinking about it. Here's some inspiration!
Festive fundraising is a fantastic and fun way to raise money to help inspire more young people to believe in a brighter future.
You might want to organise a bigger event - like a local carol concert - or do something more low key, like an end-of-term dress up day (yes workplaces we mean you too!). But whatever you do we can help support with resources and advice so your festive fundraising packs a Christmas punch.
Our fundraising pack has posters, sponsorship forms and more awesome ideas. And if you need collection tins - whether for something you're doing yourself or you just want to get into local shops, pubs, cafe counters etc - we can provide those too.
Here are few ideas to get you started...
Festive themed parties - from glitzy attire and masquerade balls to fancy dress as the Grinch or Rudolph, host a party with the theme of your dreams. Collect donations on the door or sell pre-paid tickets, and maybe organise extra activities, such as a raffle, on the night to boost support.- Use your talents - whether you're Bake Off-ready or a crafting genius could you organise an event or sale with proceeds to the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust?
- Share with friends - organise a festive movie marathon, quiz night or dinner party, for example, and ask for donations or set challenges and fun tasks throughout the evening with financial forfeits!
- Get out of your comfort zone - get sponsored to do something out of the ordinary, whether on your own, with friends or as part of an event. What about a Boxing Day dip or New Year nightwalk. Be safe, but be creative so people can't fail to want to support you.
- Dress to impress - everyone loves an end-of-term dress-up day don't they?? Whether at school, college, university or work, keep it relaxed with 'civvies' or give it a theme. The oldies are always the goodies!
- Declutter for good - out with the old in with the new. Why not stick on the classic Christmas tunes and have a festive clear out. Sell unwanted items (old or new!) on eBay, Vinted, Depop or Facebook Market, and donate the money to the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.
How we can help
Got an idea but not sure where to start? Or need some advice and support on making the most of your festive fundraisers, contact our wonderful fundraising team and let us know how we can help by filling out our Tell us about your fundraising form or email the team at [email protected].
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