24 February 2006
24th February 06
As the crew start the long journey to join Gipsy Moth IV they sum up their feelings in a final e mail from Belfast Airport…...
“Were at there airport its friday and i’m full of different kinds of emotions from just plain nervous to being really excited. I hope i havnt forgotten to pack anything vital but i will survive. I know im going to miss the people im close to but its going to be an experience of a life time and i cant wait.” Barbara Kennedy.
“It’s the day of our departure to Miami to meet the Gipsy Moth im full of different feelings and emotions, i really hope i havent left anything. I have my make up and cant wait to get a tan yeppee. I think that i will miss my family the most but im doing this for them. This for me is an experience that i will never have the chance to do again im really excited a little scared because i dont now what to expect, but im up for the adventure and can’t wait.“Maria Turner
“Well its Friday evening and we’re in Belfast waiting to get our flight to London and then Miami i’m soooo excited cant wait to just to get there and begin our big adventure!!! Finally got
everything packed..i think…clothes-check, sun cream-check, mp3 player-check. Going on the gipsy moth is such a privilege and im looking forward to the challenge and opportunity, i cant wait to see
the wildlife and different sights and experience life at sea. I am soo excited to get out there and get going ( and get a tan!).” Laura Walsh
The girls are due to fly from Belfast to Heathrow and then on to Miami and finally Balboa to join Gipsy Moth IV
Keep checking back for more updates both here and at http://www.gipsymoth.org