Explore our real-time impact dashboard and learn how and in what ways we make a difference to the young people we support.
For the best experience, view the dashboard in full screen mode and on a laptop or tablet. To filter or analyse specific data, click into the graphs or go to 'Menu' in the top right. Multiple filters can be applied at the same time. Wellbeing change data does include multiple trips unless otherwise filtered.
Measures have been selected to track changes in impact over time so we can be confident the changes are attributable to our activities and support (in line with the third sector standards of evidence). Find out more here - Understanding our impact dashboard.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are reviewing the data using the filters under the 'Menu', please take note of the number of 'matched responses' returned as some of the datasets are currently very small, and not big enough to start drawing statistically robust conclusions from.
Our Ambition is to put impact measurement at the heart of shaping what we do and why, to improve young people’s mental wellbeing.
Working with specialists, Trust Impact, we have defined our purpose, developed our Theory of Change, and use the academically robust Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale to measure how trips affect young people’s wellbeing. We aim to develop and implement a measure for under 14s too.
We want to be totally transparent, so as soon as a young person completes a pre or post-trip questionnaire, the dashboard updates in real time - no filter.
This data will tell us what we're doing well and not so well, to ask ourselves questions, make changes and do more of the things that have the biggest impact in inspiring young people to believe in a brighter future.
When you’ve been ill for so long, you’re told everything you can’t do and are held back. On trips you’re given so much opportunity to push your boundaries and remind yourself you’re still capable of doing stuff.
Since finishing her treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Libby has been on six Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust adventures. Her first trip, aged 10, was transformational. She found somewhere everyone gets one another and feels they belong.
Find out more about Libby's Story
Find out more about the trips Support the Trust